How Disinformation Affects Social Engagement among Youth
You wake up in the morning and see that your girlfriend has called you 16 times! You call her back, and she is completely panicked because she read somewhere that there was a “massacre” at the city’s most popular club last night. Maybe you’d panic too, but instead, sit down and check – look at the club’s Instagram profile, check various media outlets, video stories from people, or ask friends who were there.
Be proactive, not just a scroller! Check facts and report disinformation! How? Watch the short podcast “Be a Nice Human”. The topic is how dependent young people are on social media, whether they share disinformation, and how such disinformation makes them disengaged.
The video is based on findings from the study “Encouraging Youth Civic Activism Through Media Engagement“, conducted by the Institute of Communication Studies as part of the project “Use Facts”, funded by the British Embassy in Skopje.